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EdTech investment cooling in 2023 but growth outlook remains strong The flow of venture funding to EdTech startups slowed noticeably in 2022 and the trend is extending into...
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Edtech giant VIPKid gives up its massive stake in China VIPKid, an edtech behemoth that was once valued at over US$3 billion, will no longer serve as a...
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Blended learning moving to centre stage in higher education For the past several years, experts and higher education practitioners have been touting the benefits of marrying online...
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Mapping technological change in higher education through 2020 Students’ demands – as well as a rapidly evolving global marketplace – feature significantly as drivers of the...
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New edtech startups aim to reinvent the online classroom The chaos of 2020 forced educators to quickly adopt video conferencing tools such as Zoom and Google Meet...
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