

Market intelligence for international student recruitment from 91×ÔÅÄ



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Data shows a decline in Nigerian student searches for study abroad; UK may be hardest-hit Nigeria has been one of the most important new sources of students for leading study destinations worldwide in...
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Nigerian economy shows its strength but the national currency is struggling again this year Nigeria is firmly on the radar of international student recruitment professionals as a major driver of overall growth...
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New report highlights the increasing competition for international students from Sub-Saharan Africa A new report from Campus France sheds light on what’s happening in terms of outbound mobility from Sub-Saharan...
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Nigeria: Most students want to study abroad but many also need financial aid An annual survey exploring Nigerian students’ perceptions of study abroad and the main motivations for their decisions about...
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Should Nigerian students be exempt from English proficiency testing? Imagine that you are a student whose instruction for most of your primary and secondary career was in...
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Global economic power projected to shift to Asia and emerging economies by 2050 The professional services firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) has produced a series of megatrends reports that analyse high-level trends expected...
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New report describes shifting Nigerian demand for study abroad With its large youth demographics and expanding middle class, Nigeria has become one of the most sought-after markets...
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The agent question: New data has the answer In international education circles, the use of education agents is simultaneously controversial, and widespread. But, as a new...
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The relationship between currency exchange and student mobility It has been a tumultuous year for the world economy, which in many quarters is still recovering from...
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Alarm sounded over low approval rates for African students hoping to study in Canada   For educators across most leading study destinations, Africa is a highly important region in which to recruit new...
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Africa ascending: Four growth markets to watch Growing economies, large and youthful populations, and labour market trends are just some of the factors driving demand...
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Nigeria tightens foreign exchange controls to limit use for study abroad The Nigerian government has added study abroad to a growing list of expenditures for which it will no...
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