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Most Viewed In MOOCs

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Who uses MOOCs and how? Given that millions of people register for MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), it is perhaps not surprising that...
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MOOC enrolment surpassed 35 million in 2015 More students signed up for MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) in 2015 than in the previous three years...
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How do students benefit from MOOCs? Most students don’t finish a MOOC, a Massive Open Online Course, and the statistics are consistent on this...
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Major MOOC provider edX acquired by online program manager 2U Global edtech player 2U – a for-profit company that helps universities and colleges to adapt and deliver their programmes...
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The year in MOOCs: Increased revenue and more degrees The latest annual round-up from Class Central highlights another year of strong growth, but also a sharpening focus among...
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Coursera offers biometric-based ‘Verified Certificates’ for a fee, extends credential options for students Most of us are familiar with biometric testing in the exam industry, but now, these identity validation techniques...
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Slower growth in new MOOC degrees but online learning is alive and well Roughly 10 million more learners were enrolled in MOOCs in 2019 than in 2018, leading to an estimated...
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Part 2: MOOC development continues to pick up speed… around the world 91×ÔÅÄ Monitor returns to MOOCs today with the second half of a two-part look at the current state...
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MOOC learners in developing countries focused on career development If an interesting new study from the University of Washington is any indication, MOOC students in developing countries...
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Rolling out the first large-scale scholarship programmes for MOOCs Two corporate giants – Google and Bertelsmann – have launched a large-scale scholarship programme for MOOC studies...
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Remodeling MOOCs in 2014 Since the first wave of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) around 2012, hypotheses about their impact have abounded,...
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Major MOOC providers shifting focus to fee-paying students MOOC enrolment reached a new global peak in 2017, with strong growth from 2016. The pace of year-over-year...
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